CQ AMATEUR RADIO - QRZ11 has its place in the radio society

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CQ AMATEUR RADIO - QRZ11 has its place in the radio society

Post by qrz11 »


TNX to Steven 2WR3636

He found this SUPER article in the 2014 February CQ Magazin about the 11m freebanders an QRZ11.

And a special TNX to Cory G B Sickles WA3UVV for writing this great article.

Yes, we are proud to say that we have our place in the radio society.


Quite a few ham operators came from the 11m scene and I hope that in the near future quite a lot of new ham operators will come from there. On 27.555-Mhz the behavior is excellent. Of course here and there you get a few beginners that still have to learn a lot. But where better to learn the basics, then on the 11m band with QRZ11 to help them...!

Read the complete CQ Magazin or just the article itself in (PDF) below.
QRZ11 CQ_magazin 2014_02.pdf
(23.91 MiB) Downloaded 5082 times
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