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CQ AMATEUR RADIO - QRZ11 has its place in the radio society

Posted: Sat 20. Dec 2014, 11:34
by qrz11

TNX to Steven 2WR3636

He found this SUPER article in the 2014 February CQ Magazin about the 11m freebanders an QRZ11.

And a special TNX to Cory G B Sickles WA3UVV for writing this great article.

Yes, we are proud to say that we have our place in the radio society.


Quite a few ham operators came from the 11m scene and I hope that in the near future quite a lot of new ham operators will come from there. On 27.555-Mhz the behavior is excellent. Of course here and there you get a few beginners that still have to learn a lot. But where better to learn the basics, then on the 11m band with QRZ11 to help them...!

Read the complete CQ Magazin or just the article itself in (PDF) below.